Long Overdue Update

The Alienist Promo

My sincere apologies for such a long break since 17th Street was last updated. 2017 has been a massive year for me involving a relocation across the country and starting a new job which has resulted in big changes that have eaten into my leisure time considerably. This is therefore a long overdue update to catch up on the news of the past six months. If there is any major news that I have missed, please feel free to share it with me via the contact form or in the comments below, and I will include it in a later update.

First, as those who have been following TNT’s adaptation of The Alienist would know, filming has now wrapped up and the second trailer for the series was released last month. It can be viewed below. The premiere date for US audiences has been announced as 22 January 2018, so there’s not long to go now.

In addition to the adaptation of The Alienist, there was also an exciting announcement in September that Fox will be developing a one-hour drama series based on Caleb Carr’s most recent novel, Surrender, New York (2016). According to Variety, Richard Wenk (The Magnificent Seven, The Equalizer, The Expendables 2) will be writing and executive producing, with Gail Berman, Joe Earley, and Richard Arlook also on board as executive producers. Curiously, the plot synopsis provided with the announcement indicated that protagonist Dr. Trajan Jones “joins forces with the local state trooper Penelope Howell”, a character who is not in the original novel. Given this description, it will be interesting to see what direction Fox takes the adaptation.

Finally, the Center for Fiction, a literary organisation that connects readers and writers in New York City, has announced that Caleb Carr will be offering a Master Class in December as part of their Crime Fiction Academy. Mr. Carr will be giving “a presentation on his life and work” and will be discussing crime fiction writing. If you are interested in attending the Master Class, you can view the details of the event and RSVP at the Center’s website. The Master Class will be taking place on Thursday, December 7th at 7:00pm.

7 thoughts on “Long Overdue Update”

  1. Sherry Nevis-Baltzer says:

    I agree with your description of Dr. Kreizler. However, I am starting to wonder what this new tv series is going to do with the characters we love. I don’t even think I am going to watch it. What do you feel about it? Opinions?

  2. Patrick McIntosh says:

    I love the Alienist TV series and I can’t wait to buy the DVD .

    I hope TNT plans on working Caleb Carr in bring the Angel of Darkness to us mystery aficionados ASAP

  3. Kit Kolenda says:

    Re: Hildebrandt’s Starling….if Dr. Kreizler was still in school when he did what ever he did with the starling…my guess is that it would have been too early for starlings to have been introduced to the USA (NYC). They were brought into Central Park in 1890 from the UK. From what I read on Kreizlers bio he should have been out of school at this time.

  4. Arnie J Tobias says:

    Thank you kindly for your books and now, the TV program.

  5. Rev./Dr. A. Edward Moch says:

    Though I have not read Caleb Carr’s books… when I saw the TV Production of “The Alienist”, I discovered a Historic Fluke. This fluke pertains to me. I had to watch all 10 episodes to draw my conclusion. It would seem that both Caleb Carr and I had some things in common. The both of us were born and raised in New York and experienced “The Son of Sam Terrors” that almost brought New York City to it’s knees in the late 1970’s and was a popularized subject in the 1990’s. In “The Alienist”, I identified some events in The SOS Case that were utilized by Carr in his stories. In his deep research… he must of have found and utilized some information on not only me, but also “The Samuel Carr Family” that were directly involved in The SOS Case. This reality hit me in the back of my mindsye when I saw Episode 10. These factoids are mixed in, along with other Historic Factoids in the creation of not only Carr’s Historical-Fiction, but also his personal interest in both Serial Killers and Alienists. This string of interest can be traced back to the 1890’s and Carr discovered this. So… I can say that in character development, they are partly based on actual individuals. It became obvious to me, when I saw in the show, the sketch of ‘John Beecham'(Performed by Bill Heck) and the striking resemblance of it to me… No joke! The fluke becomes obvious, when I did a private family background check and found to my amusement… that by way of Direct and intermarriage, Caleb and I are related as Cousins and these interconnections trace to the 1890’s.

  6. Björn says:

    Hi. I am a big fan of Caleb Carr’s novel THE ALIENIST and I can’t wait to see the series here in Switzerland… do you know if there is a way contacting Mr. Carr? Or if there are any lectures in the future so I could have my book signed by him?

  7. Dawn H. Domans says:

    I’m recommending “Angel of Darkness” for our book group. I read it while simultaneously reading “The Alienist”. While I plan to eventually read “The Alienist”, the visual gave more meaning and obviously background on the characters. Had a great deal pf trouble putting the book down, but found that taking a “break” did allow more of the book to “sink” in. Loved the detail.

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