AoD Timeline Complete!

I’m happy to say that I’ve finally finished the timeline for The Angel of Darkness! You can view it at this location, if you’re interested. As always, if you notice any errors, please feel free to let me know. I’ve also made a few more site updates including: three additions to the character list, two meal additions on the food page, and a few quotes have been added for Kreizler and the Isaacsons.

AoD Timeline & Other Small Updates

The timeline and synopsis for The Angel of Darkness is taking considerably longer than I anticipated. Although I am working to get it completed as soon as possible, I have managed to complete a draft of the first half and it has been placed up for your perusal. If you notice any errors in what has been completed so far, please feel free to let me know.

I have also made a few other small changes to the site including: five new additions to the character list, another meal addition to the food page, some small changes to the third Alienist book page, and a recommended reading section has been added to the costume page.

As always, feedback regarding the site and my updates are welcome. Thank you for your patience and I hope to have the second half of The Angel of Darkness timeline completed over the next few weeks.

Full Character List Update Again

The full character list is essentially complete now, with the exception of a few minor characters that I am yet to add to the list. Still, the vast majority of characters are now included so if you feel like having a read, you can find the list here. If you know of any characters that I have forgotten to put in, please feel free to let me know.

More updates to the site will continue over the coming weeks with a timeline of the events in The Angel of Darkness being the next thing on my “to do” list that needs completing. Finally, I should also point out that there is now an email notification component to this updates log. If you would like to be notified whenever I update, then feel free to subscribe.

Full Character List Update

Well, I have finally got some spare time to work on the site again. I am currently re-creating the full character list and it’s about half-way done. You can see my progress here. If you notice any errors within that list so far, please let me know. I hope to have the list complete by the end of next week. Thank you for your patience!