New Message Board!

I am very happy to announce that the new 17th Street message board is open! If you would like to discuss the Alienist books or any of Caleb Carr’s other works, please join. After you’ve joined, make sure you read the welcome message and the board guidelines. I will try to post up some new topics for discussion soon but as I may not have time to do this for a few more days, I would encourage you to start your own discussion topics.

Anyway, I hope you all like the new message board. Have fun and get posting!

More Section Updates

I am pleased to announce another large update to the site. First of all, the “era” and “more” sections of the site have been renamed – they are now known as the “more” and “site” sections, respectively. Second, the costume page is now a sub-section of its own containing 4 pages including a basic costume overview, a male costume page, a female costume page, and a child costume page. You will notice that these pages are also fully referenced. In an effort to enable visitors to futher research anything from the site that interests them, references have now been added to the animals, places, and transport pages as well. I plan to add references to all pages of the site containing essays but time constraints prevent me from doing this immediately. In the way of updated pages, should also mention that the Caleb Carr page has been cleaned up a little. If you notice errors on any of the above pages, please let me know.

Finally, I am happy to inform everybody that the message board will be re-opening very soon! I have found a suitable script and am currently customising the board so that it will be ready for use. I expect to have it open in the next few days so please check back soon. :)

Board Removed

I am sad to say that I have had to remove the message board from this site. I am currently having problems with people hacking into so I have decided to temporarily remove any scripts that may potentially be insecure. It upsets me that it has had to come to this. If I find that the message board is missed, I will consider putting another one up – but only if I can locate a more secure script.

Anyway, as this unhappy entry caused me to replace an entry that contained more positive news, I will repeat some of its content below for those of you who may have missed it.

I found the following information written in 2007 from an unlikely source, Big Cat Rescue: “[Caleb Carr] let the cat out of the bag by telling us that there will be a cameo appearance by a feline in one of his upcoming books.” It isn’t clear whether the mentioned book is an Alienist book, but at least the news is positive that he is definitely working on another novel! (And, of course, it’s also great to see that Mr. Carr is active in supporting such a great rescue organisation.)

Third Book

I have been getting a lot of emails lately asking me whether a third Alienist book is going to be published. Unfortunately, I have no ‘inside information’ on when a third Alienist book may be getting published. This is an unofficial website and I am not in contact with Caleb Carr. I keep my eye on news alerts, the Random House Publishing website, and in order to keep 17th Street updated but there hasn’t been anything new to report for over two years now.

As I wrote on the Untitled Book page, the last piece of official news – from late 2005 – regarding a third book was simply that one is being written. It is unclear when, or if, this book may be getting published. I’m just as excited about the possibility of a third book as everyone else so you can be sure that as soon as there is ANY news on this subject, it will be posted here at 17th Street.

EDIT: Since writing the above, I found the following information written in 2007 from an unlikely source, Big Cat Rescue: “[Caleb Carr] let the cat out of the bag by telling us that there will be a cameo appearance by a feline in one of his upcoming books.” It isn’t clear whether the mentioned book is an Alienist book, but at least the news is positive that he is definitely working on another novel! (And, of course, it’s also great to see that Mr. Carr is active in supporting such a great rescue organisation.)

Regarding site content, I am currently completing a PhD in psychology (I like to think that Dr. Kreizler would be proud) so I find that I lack the free time to work on comprehensive updates at the moment. I have made some changes to the character pages as promised and I currently am re-writing parts of the Alienist and AoD timelines. The revised timelines should be ready soon.