The following page contains an interactive Google map of locations around New York City that feature in The Angel of Darkness. For more maps of locations outside New York City that feature in The Angel of Darkness, as well as maps of locations that feature in The Alienist, please use the side menu. If you would like more information on the plots of the Alienist books, characters in the Alienist books, or general historical information relating to the time period the Alienist books are set in, please refer to the main menu above.
The Angel of Darkness’s New York City
Every location visited by the characters around New York City and its immediate surroundings in The Angel of Darkness has been included in the map below. You can click on the map’s markers to view more information about the location, while the entire list of locations with descriptions and addresses can be found below the map. You can also search for a specific address or location using the search field located below the map.
I have also put together a map of selected key Alienist locations (from both The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness) using an original late 19th century map of Manhattan. This map can be downloaded as an image or in PDF form.